Let me break it down for you friends.(Note to friends: Keep in mind, these are my personal opinions , things I think is wrong with this art portal.) If artist have to draw hentai to get noticed on this website on the fairly new feature "Art portal" then they're pathetic. I for one don't really come on this website anymore for obvious reasons. Those days are long gone. I've seen better days on this site back in 2002. When they introduced the art portal I was excited to say the least. Finally I get to show everyone my artwork because i'm so bad at flash animation. WRONG. I didn't get "Scouted" til recently and that bullshit (let me tell you) is fucked up. Why does an artist have to be "scouted" by someone who's willing to let that user upload their artwork and to be shown IN the art portal. Fuck-that-shit. Okay, most of you have asked me in PM (personal messages) why I don't upload all my artwork on here or "artist like myself need more recognition." I have Recognition, just not on this forsaken art portal. I come here rarely to upload my artwork because I know there is 12 year old trolls who want to see some cartoon porn. Some may argue with me and agree that its a waste of talent and skills, and some may try to defend that statement. Well get it through your thick skulls, if you're that good and not making cash from it....well lets just say you're wasting your skills buddy. I'm sorry that I don't come on frequently. I really want to interact with my fans on here BUT some obvious features of this site is keeping me from doing so. Well to answer a question that some of your are probably asking yourselves..I upload artwork on here because I feel like it. There is no REAL reason why I keep coming back on this site if I know what lies ahead of me. The only truth I can tell you is I've been a newgrounds user for years. Making new accounts because there is no way to delete old ones apparently. Now I just don't really come on where theres WAYYYY better gallery sites to upload your artwork. If you guys want to keep in touch, you can find me on Deviant art. Thexartxofxluxifer.deviantart.com or my fan page www.facebook.com/theartofluxifer Thank you for your time. See you on the flipside.